Patches v75, fw 4.32.19501

kobopatch.yaml: 2 "in" lines for devices of different hw revisions; toggle via comment
updated other-conf files to reflect their actual state on-device
Jay Logan 2022-04-15 19:43:59 -05:00
parent 4689b09533
commit 5aa4f1bc14
12 changed files with 90 additions and 127 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
## Sixthhokage1's kobopatch config
version: 4.31.19086
in: src/
version: 4.32.19501
in: src/
#in: src/
out: out/KoboRoot.tgz
log: out/log.txt
@ -22,7 +23,6 @@ overrides:
Always show confirmation dialog before upgrading: yes
Allow showing info panel on random screensaver: yes
Don't uppercase header/footer text: yes
Enable advanced settings for all fonts: yes
Shorten dictionary entry not found message: yes
Swap reading header/footer: yes
FeatureSettings - ExportHighlights: yes

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
; Plato (
; Relies on upstream's fmon scripts (i.e.,
; This means you can follow upstream's installation instructions to the letter, and expect things to work just fine ;).
; Those next two keys are MANDATORY
filename = /mnt/onboard/icons/plato.png ; Absolute path of the icon to watch for
action = /mnt/onboard/.adds/plato/ ; Absolute path of the command to launch when the icon is opened
; The following keys are NOT mandatory
label = Plato ; Label available for use by a GUI frontend
hidden = 0 ; Whether to hide this entry from a GUI frontend
block_spawns = 1 ; Prevents *any* script from being launched via KFMon while the command launched by this watch is still running.
; This is useful for document readers, because they could otherwise trigger unwanted
; behavior through their file manager, metadata reader, or thumbnailer.
do_db_update = 0 ; Do we want to update Nickel's DB for this icon? (Potentially unsafe, disabled by default)
; If you enabled do_db_update, the next three keys NEED to be set
db_title = Plato ; Title to use for the icon's Library entry if do_db_update = 1
db_author = Baskerville ; Author to use for the icon's Library entry if do_db_update = 1
db_comment = A document reader ; Comment to use for the icon's Library entry if do_db_update = 1

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
; Those next two keys are MANDATORY
filename = /mnt/onboard/vlasovsoft.png
action = /mnt/onboard/.adds/vlasovsoft/
; The following keys are NOT mandatory
label = Vlasovsoft Suite
block_spawns = 1
do_db_update = 0
; Those next two keys are MANDATORY
filename = /mnt/onboard/vlasovsoft.png
action = /mnt/onboard/.adds/vlasovsoft/
; The following keys are NOT mandatory
label = Vlasovsoft Suite
block_spawns = 1
do_db_update = 0

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
menu_item : main : Connect USB : nickel_misc : force_usb_connection
menu_item : main : Pocket : nickel_open : library:pocket

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
menu_item : main : Connect USB : nickel_misc : force_usb_connection
menu_item : main : Force Wifi : nickel_setting : toggle:force_wifi
menu_item : main : eLending Library : nickel_open : store:overdrive
menu_item : main : Pocket Articles: nickel_open : library:pocket
menu_item : main : Browser : nickel_browser :
menu_item : reader : Browser : nickel_browser : modal
menu_item : browser : Nickel Home : nickel_misc : home

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
# Launch Plato via KFMon
# NOTE: .adds/nm/kfmon will generate this automatically
#menu_item : main : Plato : kfmon : plato.png
# Launch Plato directly via NM
#menu_item : main : Plato : cmd_spawn : quiet : exec /mnt/onboard/.adds/plato/

View File

@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ Remove PDF map widget shown during panning:
- BaseAddress: {Sym: "N3AdobeReader::showMapWidget()"}
# tail: N3AdobeReader::updatePanningMap() -> N3AdobeReader::hideMapWidget()
# TODO: figure out what broke the plt parsing in kobopatch for libadobe in 18730+
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 80, FindInstBW: 0x1BDE8, ReplaceInstBW: 0x1B11C}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 192, FindInstBW: 0x1BDE8, ReplaceInstBW: 0x1B11C}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 80, FindInstBW: 0x1BF88, ReplaceInstBW: 0x1B2A4}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 192, FindInstBW: 0x1BF88, ReplaceInstBW: 0x1B2A4}

View File

@ -47,18 +47,24 @@ My 24 line spacing values:
# basically rewrite the entire code starting where values are added:
# save r5, initialise loop counter
- BaseAddress: {Sym: "ReadingSettings::lineHeightScalars() const", Rel: 84} # starting at first QList<double>::append(double const&)
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 0, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QList<double>::append(double const&)"}, ReplaceH: A9 46 00 25} # mov sb, r5 mov r5, #0
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 4, FindH: 6D A3, ReplaceH: ED 00} # lsls r5, r5, #3
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 0, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QList<double>::append(double const&)"}, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00} # clear out the BLX
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 20, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QList<double>::append(double const&)"}, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00} # clear out the BLX
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 0, FindH: 00 00, ReplaceH: A9 46} # mov sb, r5
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 2, FindH: 00 00, ReplaceH: 00 25} # mov r5, #0
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 4, FindH: 6C A3, ReplaceH: ED 00} # lsls r5, r5, #3
# loop to load 14 vals from new table
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 6, FindH: D3 E9 00 23 07 F1, ReplaceH: 20 46 04 A1 29 44} # mov r0, r4 adr r1, #0x10 add r1, r5
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 12, FindH: 80 01 20 46, ReplaceInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QList<double>::append(double const&)"}}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 16, FindH: 61 E9 1C 23, ReplaceH: 08 35 70 2D} # add r5, #8 cmp r5, 112 ## NOTE: 14*8=112
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 20, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QList<double>::append(double const&)"}, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00} # clear out the BLX in the way of the next two replacements
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 20, FindH: 00 00, ReplaceH: F7 D1} # bne #-10
# jump over new table
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 22, FindH: 00 00 6A A3 D3 E9, ReplaceH: 7C E0 00 BF 00 BF} # b #0xFC
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 6, FindH: D3 E9, ReplaceH: 20 46} # mov r0, r4
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 8, FindH: 00 23, ReplaceH: 04 A1} # adr r1, #0x10
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 10, FindH: 07 F1, ReplaceH: 29 44} # add r1, r5
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 12, FindH: 80 01 20 46, ReplaceInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QList<double>::append(double const&)"}}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 16, FindH: 61 E9, ReplaceH: 08 35} # add r5, #8 (sizeof(double))
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 18, FindH: 1C 23, ReplaceH: 70 2D} # cmp r5, 112 (14*sizeof(double))
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 20, FindH: 00 00, ReplaceH: F7 D1} # bne #-10
# jump to the rest of the new code
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 22, FindH: 00 00, ReplaceH: 7B E0} # b #250 (356 (84 + 22))
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 24, FindH: 69 A3 D3 E9, ReplaceInstNOP: true} # unused
# new table: 14 8-aligned doubles
- BaseAddress: {Sym: "ReadingSettings::lineHeightScalars() const", Rel: 112} # right after previous instruction
- BaseAddress: {Sym: "ReadingSettings::lineHeightScalars() const", Rel: 112} # right after previous instruction (84 + 24 + 4)
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 12, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QList<double>::append(double const&)"}, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00} # first, clear out the BLXs in the way
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 32, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QList<double>::append(double const&)"}, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 58, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QList<double>::append(double const&)"}, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00}
@ -66,29 +72,33 @@ My 24 line spacing values:
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 100, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QList<double>::append(double const&)"}, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 0, FindH: 00 23 07 F1 80 01 20 46, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F} # table of 1.0f values, to be replaced later
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 8, FindH: 61 E9 1A 23 00 00 00 00, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 16, FindH: 67 A3 D3 E9 00 23 07 F1, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 16, FindH: 66 A3 D3 E9 00 23 07 F1, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 24, FindH: 80 01 20 46 61 E9 18 23, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 32, FindH: 00 00 00 00 43 F2 33 33, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 40, FindH: 4F F0 33 32 C3 F6 F3 73, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 48, FindH: 07 F1 80 01 20 46 61 E9, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 56, FindH: 16 23 00 00 00 00 5E A3, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 56, FindH: 16 23 00 00 00 00 5D A3, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 64, FindH: D3 E9 00 23 07 F1 80 01, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 72, FindH: 20 46 61 E9 14 23 00 00, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 80, FindH: 00 00 00 23 00 22 C3 F6, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 88, FindH: F8 73 07 F1 80 01 20 46, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 96, FindH: 61 E9 12 23 00 00 00 00, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 104, FindH: 55 A3 D3 E9 00 23 07 F1, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 104, FindH: 54 A3 D3 E9 00 23 07 F1, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F}
# jump target after table
- BaseAddress: {Sym: "ReadingSettings::lineHeightScalars() const", Rel: 356} # starting at first QList<double>::append(double const&)
- BaseAddress: {Sym: "ReadingSettings::lineHeightScalars() const", Rel: 356} # starting right after the second-last QList<double>::append(double const&)
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 18, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QList<double>::append(double const&)"}, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00} # clear the BLX in the way of the last two replacements
# initialise loop counter
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 0, FindH: 00 23 00 22, ReplaceH: 00 BF 00 25} # nop movs r5, #0
# loop to load 10 vals from old table
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 4, FindH: C4 F2 08 03 07 F1, ReplaceH: 20 46 29 A1 29 44} # mov r0, r4 adr r1, #0xA4 add r1, r5 ## NOTE: adr r1, #0xA4 sets r1 to the beginning of the old table
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 0, FindH: 00 23, ReplaceH: 00 25} # movs r5, #0
# loop to load 10 vals from old table (CDCC CCCC CCCC F03F 1F85)
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 2, FindH: 00 22, ReplaceH: 20 46} # mov r0, r4
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 4, FindH: C4 F2 08 03, ReplaceH: 0F F2 A0 01} # adr.w r1, #164 (old_table_start - (356 + 4) = 524 - 360)
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 8, FindH: 07 F1, ReplaceH: 29 44} # add r1, r5
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 10, FindH: 80 01 20 46, ReplaceInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QList<double>::append(double const&)"}}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 18, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QList<double>::append(double const&)"}, ReplaceH: 00 00 00 00} # clear out the BLX in the way of the next two replacements
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 14, FindH: 61 E9 02 23 00 00, ReplaceH: 08 35 50 2D F7 D1} # adds r5, #8 cmp r5, #80 bne #-10 ## NOTE: 8*10=80
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 14, FindH: 61 E9, ReplaceH: 08 35} # adds r5, #8 (sizeof(double))
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 16, FindH: 02 23, ReplaceH: 50 2D} # cmp r5, #80 (sizeof(double) * 10)
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 18, FindH: 00 00, ReplaceH: F6 D1} # bne #-12 (18 - 2)
# restore r5
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 20, FindH: 00 00, ReplaceH: 4D 46} # mov r5, sb
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 20, FindH: 00 00, ReplaceH: 4D 46} # mov r5, sb
# finished replacements
- BaseAddress: 0
@ -194,20 +204,20 @@ Custom font sizes:
- BaseAddress: "N3FontTypeUtil::fontSizes()"
# Initial font size:
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 364, Find: 8, Replace: 8} # Other devices
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 360, Find: 11, Replace: 11} # LibraH2O
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 36, Find: 10, Replace: 10} # GloHD/ClaraHD
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 392, Find: 14, Replace: 14} # Forma/AuraOne/Sage/Elipsa
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 378, Find: 8, Replace: 8} # Other devices
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 374, Find: 11, Replace: 11} # LibraH2O (storm)
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 36, Find: 10, Replace: 10} # GloHD/ClaraHD (alyssum nova)
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 404, Find: 14, Replace: 14} # Forma/AuraOne/Sage/Elipsa (daylight)
# Increment:
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 78, Find: 21, Replace: 43} # Add font sizes in increments of 1 until this size exceeded
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 88, Find: 22, Replace: 44} # Continue from this font size
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 218, Find: 49, Replace: 67} # Add font sizes in increments of 2 until this size exceeded
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 224, Find: 50, Replace: 68} # Continue from this font size
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 222, Find: 21, Replace: 43} # Add font sizes in increments of 1 until this size exceeded
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 228, Find: 22, Replace: 44} # Continue from this font size
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 250, Find: 49, Replace: 67} # Add font sizes in increments of 2 until this size exceeded
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 256, Find: 50, Replace: 68} # Continue from this font size
# Now increment by +4 until final font size:
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 410, Find: 90, Replace: 80} # Other devices
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 414, Find: 122, Replace: 88} # Aura/Glo/Nia
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 50, Find: 150, Replace: 108} # LibraH2O/AuraHD/ClaraHD/GloHD/AuraH2O/Libra2
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 388, Find: 195, Replace: 132} # Forma/AuraOne/Sage/Elipsa
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 420, Find: 90, Replace: 80} # Other devices
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 422, Find: 122, Replace: 88} # Aura/Glo/Nia (phoenix)
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 48, Find: 150, Replace: 108} # LibraH2O/AuraHD/ClaraHD/GloHD/AuraH2O/Libra2 (dragon)
- ReplaceInt: {Offset: 400, Find: 195, Replace: 132} # Forma/AuraOne/Sage/Elipsa (daylight)
ePub fixed top/bottom margins:
- Enabled: no
@ -323,8 +333,8 @@ Set KePub hyphenation:
(The publisher can still turn hyphenation off/on in the book's stylesheet.)
# == "justify"
- ReplaceBytes: {Base: "KepubBookReader::pageStyleCss(bool)", Offset: 1432, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QString::operator==(QLatin1String) const"}, ReplaceH: 01 20 01 20} # Alternative 1: Always turn KePub hyphenation on
# - ReplaceBytes: {Base: "KepubBookReader::pageStyleCss(bool)", Offset: 1432, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QString::operator==(QLatin1String) const"}, ReplaceH: 00 20 00 20} # Alternative 2: Never turn KePub hyphenation on
- ReplaceBytes: {Base: "KepubBookReader::pageStyleCss(bool)", Offset: 1960, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QString::operator==(QLatin1String) const"}, ReplaceH: 01 20 01 20} # Alternative 1: Always turn KePub hyphenation on
# - ReplaceBytes: {Base: "KepubBookReader::pageStyleCss(bool)", Offset: 1960, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QString::operator==(QLatin1String) const"}, ReplaceH: 00 20 00 20} # Alternative 2: Never turn KePub hyphenation on
Force user line spacing in KePubs:
- Enabled: no
@ -397,23 +407,7 @@ ePub constant font sharpness:
- FindBaseAddressString: "\0\0 -kobo-font-sharpness: %1;"
- ReplaceString: {Offset: 3, Find: "-kobo-font-sharpness: %1", Replace: "-kobo-font-sharpness:0.2", MustMatchLength: yes}
KePub constant font sharpness:
- Enabled: no
- Description: |
With this patch the KePub reader will use a constant sharpness value of 0.2,
instead of the value set by the advanced font sharpness/weight slider. The
slider sharpness values range from -0.4(min.) to 0.2(max.), default -0.0666.
# body { -kobo-font-sharpness: %1; -kobo-font-thickness: %2; }\n
# --> body{-kobo-font-sharpness:0.0/*%1*/;-kobo-font-thickness:%2}\n
- FindReplaceString:
Find: "body { -kobo-font-sharpness: %1; -kobo-font-thickness: %2; }\n"
Replace: "body{-kobo-font-sharpness:0.0/*%1*/;-kobo-font-thickness:%2}\n"
MustMatchLength: yes
- ReplaceString:
Offset: 5
Find: "-kobo-font-sharpness:0.0"
Replace: "-kobo-font-sharpness:0.2" # Replacement sharpness value
MustMatchLength: yes
# MISSING: KePub constant font sharpness (not enough room for neutralizing the QString arg; we will probably need to patch that one out)
Un-Force user text-align in div,p tags in KePubs:
- Enabled: no
@ -477,13 +471,7 @@ Un-force link decoration in KePubs:
- ReplaceString: {Offset: 0x27, Find: "b", Replace: "_"} # Disable border-bottom style
- ReplaceString: {Offset: 0x53, Find: "c", Replace: "_"} # Disable color style
Ignore .otf fonts:
- Enabled: no
- Description:
Ignores all sideloaded and pre-installed .otf fonts.
(Currently the only pre-installed .otf font is OpenDyslexic.)
Embedded .otf fonts should continue to work as normal.
- FindReplaceString: {Find: "*.otf", Replace: "_.otf"}
# MISSING: Ignore .otf fonts (this will probably need to become a fontickle patch)
# The following patch(es) were made by jackie_w
Dictionary text font-family/font-size/line-height:
@ -575,7 +563,7 @@ Custom navigation menu page number text:
- Description: Changes the page number text format in the reading navigation menu
- FindReplaceString: {Find: "Page %1 of %2", Replace: "%1 / %2"}
# The next 2 patches are alternatives. Enable ONE ONLY.
# The next 3 patches are alternatives. Enable ONE ONLY.
# They have replaced the old patch named 'KePub stylesheet additions'
KePub stylesheet additions - text justify:
@ -882,7 +870,7 @@ Replace adobe page numbers toggle with invert screen:
See for more information.
# Settings page
- BaseAddress: "N3SettingsReadingView::N3SettingsReadingView(QWidget*)"
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 900, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "ReadingSettings::getShowAdobePageNumbers()"}, ReplaceInstBLX: {SymPLT: "FeatureSettings::invertScreen()"}}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 902, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "ReadingSettings::getShowAdobePageNumbers()"}, ReplaceInstBLX: {SymPLT: "FeatureSettings::invertScreen()"}}
# Settings page controller
- BaseAddress: {Sym: "N3SettingsReadingController::showAdobePageNumbersToggled()"}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 74, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "ReadingSettings::getShowAdobePageNumbers()"}, ReplaceInstBLX: {SymPLT: "FeatureSettings::invertScreen()"}}
@ -1039,17 +1027,17 @@ Change Browse Kobo home screen link target - Activity:
- Description: See the comment above.
- ReplaceBytes:
Base: "BrowseKoboWidget::tapped()"
Offset: 22
Offset: 26
FindInstBW: {SymPLTTail: "DiscoverNavMixin::storefront()"} # Store
ReplaceInstBW: {SymPLTTail: "ReadingLifeNavMixin::chooseActivity()"} # Activity
- ReplaceBytes:
Base: "BrowseKoboWidget::tapped()"
Offset: 32
Offset: 36
FindInstBW: {SymPLTTail: "StoreNavMixin::overDriveFeaturedLists()"} # OverDrive
ReplaceInstBW: {SymPLTTail: "ReadingLifeNavMixin::chooseActivity()"} # Activity
- ReplaceBytes:
Base: "BrowseKoboWidget::BrowseKoboWidget(QWidget*)"
Offset: 196
Offset: 206
FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "N3DeviceCharm::shopName()"} # "Shop Kobo" or "Walmart"
ReplaceInstBLX: {SymPLT: "N3DeviceCharm::extrasName()"} # "Activity"
- ReplaceBytes:
@ -1352,21 +1340,8 @@ Swap reading header/footer:
FindH: DE F8 1C 40 # LDR.W r4, [lr, #0x1C]
ReplaceH: DE F8 10 40 # LDR.W r4, [lr, #0x10]
Enable advanced settings for all fonts:
- Enabled: no
- Description: |
This patch allows the advanced font options (weight/sharpness adjustments)
to work with sideloaded fonts too. (KEPUB - OTF and TTF. EPUB - TTF only.)
- ReplaceBytes:
Base: "AdvancedFontSettingsController::loadView()" # font dropdown in advanced font settings dialog
Offset: 132
FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "N3FontTypeUtil::setupMonotypeDropdown(TouchDropDown*, QString const&)"} # monotype fonts only
ReplaceInstBLX: {SymPLT: "N3FontTypeUtil::setupDropdown(TouchDropDown*, QString const&)"} # all fonts
- ReplaceBytes:
Base: "ReadingMenuFontSettingsController::setupAdvancedOption(QString const&)"
Offset: 112
FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "N3FontTypeUtil::isMonotypeFont(QString const&)"}
ReplaceH: 4F F0 01 00
# Note: The "Enable advanced settings for all fonts" patch is no longer
# necessary since the advanced font settings are now available for all fonts.
Customize ComfortLight settings:
- Enabled: no
@ -1383,7 +1358,7 @@ Customize ComfortLight settings:
# In an unnamed subroutine two layers into FrontLightPopupController::loadView
# (find it by going back from QTime::addSecs), the times for the dropdown are
# generated into a QVector<QPair<QString, QTime>> with a simple loop.
- BaseAddress: 0xCB22A4 # find the base of the unnamed subroutine with the x-ref to _ZN5QTimeC1Eiiii
- BaseAddress: 0xCCEFAC # find the base of the unnamed subroutine with the x-ref to _ZN5QTimeC1Eiiii
# Change the initial hour / first bedtime dropdown item passed to the QTime
# constructor (mov r1, #21):
@ -1488,7 +1463,7 @@ Unify font sizes:
# EPUB settings:
- BaseAddress:
Sym: "AdobeStyling::update(QString const&)"
Rel: 5800 # at ReadingSettings::getReadingFontSizeScaleFactor(float, float)
Rel: 5796 # at ReadingSettings::getReadingFontSizeScaleFactor(float, float)
# Set the scale factor to 2.5
- ReplaceBytes:
Offset: -20

View File

@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ Default ePub serif font (Amasis):
# To use a different font, change "Amasis" in each of the replacement strings
# to another font name prefix (7 letters max.). For example, change "Amasis"
# to "Times" to use a sideloaded Times New Roman font.
- FindReplaceString: {Find: "/normal/georgia", Replace: "/normal/Amasis"}
- FindReplaceString: {Find: "/bold/georgia", Replace: "/bold/Amasis"}
- FindReplaceString: {Find: "/italic/georgia", Replace: "/italic/Amasis"}
- FindReplaceString: {Find: "/bolditalic/georgia", Replace: "/bolditalic/Amasis"}
- FindReplaceString: {Find: "/normal/Georgia", Replace: "/normal/Amasis"}
- FindReplaceString: {Find: "/bold/Georgia", Replace: "/bold/Amasis"}
- FindReplaceString: {Find: "/italic/Georgia", Replace: "/italic/Amasis"}
- FindReplaceString: {Find: "/bolditalic/Georgia", Replace: "/bolditalic/Amasis"}
Default ePub sans-serif font (Gill Sans):
- Enabled: no

View File

@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ Custom collection/author header title font:
fw 4.17.13694 rewritten by jackie_w to replace
oren64's patch "Custom font to collection and author titles"
fw 4.23.15505 Author/Series/Collection list headers no longer forced to uppercase
The optional font-family changes in this patch may not work correctly on 4.31.19501.
- FindZlib: "#scrollContainer[containerSpacing=true]" # qss/DragonLibraryView.qss
- ReplaceZlibGroup:
@ -287,6 +289,8 @@ Custom header/footer captions:
fw 4.23.15505 No longer possible to customise font-size for GloHD/ClaraHD
separately from AuraHD/H2O.
fw 4.29.18730 No longer possible to style header/footer separately,
The optional font-family changes in this patch may not work correctly on 4.32.19501.
- FindZlib: "ReadingFooter" # qss/ReadingFooter.qss
- ReplaceZlibGroup:
@ -370,6 +374,8 @@ Custom page navigation scrubber:
This patch allows you to customise various parts of the new 'scrubber'. Full details & screenshots at:
N.B: This patch is not suitable for Japanese/Chinese locale users
The optional font-family changes in this patch may not work correctly on 4.32.19501.
- FindZlib: "#scrubberContainer" # qss/ReadingMenuScrubberView.qss
- ReplaceZlibGroup:
@ -449,6 +455,8 @@ Customise Header back button:
- Enabled: no
- Description: |
Customise in-book button (top left corner) for 'Back to Home', 'Back to My Books' etc
The optional font-family changes in this patch may not work correctly on 4.32.19501.
- FindZlib: "#ReadingMenuView" # qss/ReadingMenuView.qss
- ReplaceZlibGroup:
@ -617,7 +625,7 @@ Remove forgot pin button from lock screen:
Removes the Forgot PIN -> Sign Out button from the lock screen.
If this is enabled and you forget your pin, you will need to
hard reset your Kobo.
- BaseAddress: 0x1673B62 # qss/PinCodeInputDialog.qss
- BaseAddress: 0x1777B1F # qss/PinCodeInputDialog.qss
- ReplaceZlib:
Find: "#lblForgotPin[qApp_deviceIsDragon=true],\n#lblSignOut[qApp_deviceIsDragon=true] {\n font-size: 26px;\n}"
Replace: "#lblForgotPin,#lblSignOut{qproperty-visible:false;}"
@ -625,7 +633,7 @@ Remove forgot pin button from lock screen:
Increase size of kepub chapter progress chart:
- Enabled: no
- Description: Originally by oren64, rewritten for 4.16.13337 by pgaskin (geek1011).
- BaseAddress: 0x1667475 # qss/ReadingMenuStatsView.qss
- BaseAddress: 0x176E839 # qss/ReadingMenuStatsView.qss
- ReplaceZlibGroup:
# Top padding is already set to 15px, 25px, 33px, vertical aligned to middle.