fw 4.33.19608, patches v76
@ -333,8 +333,8 @@ Set KePub hyphenation:
(The publisher can still turn hyphenation off/on in the book's stylesheet.)
# == "justify"
- ReplaceBytes: {Base: "KepubBookReader::pageStyleCss(bool)", Offset: 1960, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QString::operator==(QLatin1String) const"}, ReplaceH: 01 20 01 20} # Alternative 1: Always turn KePub hyphenation on
# - ReplaceBytes: {Base: "KepubBookReader::pageStyleCss(bool)", Offset: 1960, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QString::operator==(QLatin1String) const"}, ReplaceH: 00 20 00 20} # Alternative 2: Never turn KePub hyphenation on
- ReplaceBytes: {Base: "KepubBookReader::pageStyleCss(bool)", Offset: 1904, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QString::operator==(QLatin1String) const"}, ReplaceH: 01 20 01 20} # Alternative 1: Always turn KePub hyphenation on
# - ReplaceBytes: {Base: "KepubBookReader::pageStyleCss(bool)", Offset: 1904, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QString::operator==(QLatin1String) const"}, ReplaceH: 00 20 00 20} # Alternative 2: Never turn KePub hyphenation on
Force user line spacing in KePubs:
- Enabled: no
@ -485,17 +485,18 @@ Dictionary text font-family/font-size/line-height:
dictionaries being released Oct 1st 2020
See https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3521137&postcount=48
for screenshots
4.32.19501: major font handling changes. Customising font-family now very limited
You can change one or more of the following properties:
- font-family
- font-family (very limited choice from fw >= 4.32.19501)
- font-size
- line-height
These are the Kobo defaults
Glo - Georgia 23px 1.4em
H2O - Georgia 29px 1.4em
GloHD - Georgia 32px 1.4em
AuraONE - Georgia 42px 1.4em
Glo - serif (Georgia) 23px 1.4em
H2O - serif (Georgia) 29px 1.4em
GloHD - serif (Georgia) 32px 1.4em
AuraONE - serif (Georgia) 42px 1.4em
# Stage 1: Change DictionaryView to remove %variables
# from:
@ -510,7 +511,7 @@ Dictionary text font-family/font-size/line-height:
# .sc, .sc * { font-variant: small-caps; }
# .block, .border { border-radius: 3px; padding: 0em .2em; font-size: 90%; }
# to:
# body {font-size:%1px; line-height:1.40em; font-family:Georgia ;}
# body {font-size:%1px; line-height:1.40em; font-family:serif ;}
# body {padding-left:0.5em}
# span.word {font-weight:bold; font-size:130%; margin-left:-0.3em}
# ol {margin-left:1em; margin-top:0}
@ -524,33 +525,20 @@ Dictionary text font-family/font-size/line-height:
# ##### N.B. Do not change the next 4 lines #####
- FindReplaceString:
Find: "body { padding-left: %3px; }\nbody { font: %1px serif; line-height: 1.4em; }\nspan.word { font-weight: bold; font-size: 130%; margin-left: -%3px; }\ndiv.descriptionFont { font-family: serif; }\nol { font-size: %1px; margin-left: %2em; margin-top: 0px; }\nol p { font-size: %1px; }\ni, i * { font-style: italic; }\nb, b * { font-weight: bold; }\n.sc, .sc * { font-variant: small-caps; }\n.block, .border { border-radius: 3px; padding: 0em .2em; font-size: 90%; }\n"
Replace: "body {font-size:%1px; line-height:1.40em; font-family:Georgia ;}\nbody {padding-left:0.5em}\nspan.word {font-weight:bold; font-size:130%; margin-left:-0.3em}\nol {margin-left:1em; margin-top:0}\nblockquote {margin:.3em 0 .3em 1em}\nblockquote>blockquote {margin:-.3em 0 0 2em}\ni, i * {font-style:italic}\nb, b * {font-weight:bold}\n.sc, .sc * {font-variant:small-caps}\n.block, .border {border-radius:3px; padding:0 .2em; font-size:90%}\n"
Replace: "body {font-size:%1px; line-height:1.40em; font-family:serif ;}\nbody {padding-left:0.5em}\nspan.word {font-weight:bold; font-size:130%; margin-left:-0.3em}\nol {margin-left:1em; margin-top:0}\nblockquote {margin:.3em 0 .3em 1em}\nblockquote>blockquote {margin:-.3em 0 0 2em}\ni, i * {font-style:italic}\nb, b * {font-weight:bold}\n.sc, .sc * {font-variant:small-caps}\n.block, .border {border-radius:3px; padding:0 .2em; font-size:90%}\n"
MustMatchLength: yes
# ##### N.B. Do not change anything above this line #####
# Stage 2: N.B. You MUST keep old and new strings EXACTLY the same length
# Notes for changing font-family:
# 1. Pad the shorter of the old/new strings with spaces to
# keep same length for both strings (see examples below)
# 2. If the new font-family name (max. 32 chars) contains any spaces it
# should be wrapped in 'single quotes' (see examples 2, 3)
# 3. To change from Georgia to the Kobo default sans-serif font, Avenir,
# use either one of the following to achieve the same result:
# - sans-serif
# - 'Avenir Next Medium'
# N.B: From fw 4.32.19508 these are the only customised font-family values reported as having any effect
# The first example will use the default sans-serif font, i.e. Avenir for most non-CJK GUI language locales
# Un-comment ONE ONLY of the following ReplaceString examples
# to change dictionary font-family from default Georgia:
# - to a different built-in font
# - to one of your sideloaded custom fonts
#- ReplaceString: {Offset: 54, Find: "Georgia ", Replace: "sans-serif", MustMatchLength: yes}
#- ReplaceString: {Offset: 54, Find: "Georgia ", Replace: "'Gill Sans'", MustMatchLength: yes}
#- ReplaceString: {Offset: 54, Find: "Georgia ", Replace: "'Kobo Nickel'", MustMatchLength: yes}
#- ReplaceString: {Offset: 54, Find: "Georgia ", Replace: "Bookerly", MustMatchLength: yes}
# Un-comment ONE ONLY of the following 4 ReplaceString examples
#- ReplaceString: {Offset: 54, Find: "serif ", Replace: "sans-serif", MustMatchLength: yes}
#- ReplaceString: {Offset: 54, Find: "serif ", Replace: "'KBJ-TsukuMin Pr6N RB'", MustMatchLength: yes}
#- ReplaceString: {Offset: 54, Find: "serif ", Replace: "'KBJ-UDKakugo Pr6N M'", MustMatchLength: yes}
#- ReplaceString: {Offset: 54, Find: "serif ", Replace: "'AR UDJingxihei'", MustMatchLength: yes}
# Un-comment and edit next line to change font-size
#- ReplaceString: {Offset: 16, Find: "%1px", Replace: "32px", MustMatchLength: yes}
@ -558,12 +546,13 @@ Dictionary text font-family/font-size/line-height:
# Un-comment and edit next line to change line spacing
#- ReplaceString: {Offset: 34, Find: "1.40em", Replace: "1.30em", MustMatchLength: yes}
Custom navigation menu page number text:
- Enabled: no
- Description: Changes the page number text format in the reading navigation menu
- FindReplaceString: {Find: "Page %1 of %2", Replace: "%1 / %2"}
# The next 3 patches are alternatives. Enable ONE ONLY.
# The next 2 patches are alternatives. Enable ONE ONLY.
# They have replaced the old patch named 'KePub stylesheet additions'
KePub stylesheet additions - text justify:
@ -580,12 +569,14 @@ KePub stylesheet additions - text justify:
- FindReplaceString: {Find: "/*********************************/", Replace: "body{text-align:justify }", MustMatchLength: yes}
KePub stylesheet additions - optimizeSpeed:
KePub stylesheet additions - word-spacing:
- Enabled: no
- PatchGroup: KePub stylesheet additions alternatives
- Description: |
Disables ligatures/kerning, but fixes some rendering problems that affect
fully justified text in KePubs
Reduces the space between words in KePubs.
Probably only useful to those who prefer to read KePubs with left/right full justification, i.e. not ragged-right edge.
See https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4217711&postcount=28
for screenshots showing the effect of enabling this patch.
- FindBaseAddressString: ".KBSearchResult, .KBAnnotation, .KBHighlighting {"
# *** Don't change anything in the 4 ReplaceString lines below ***
- ReplaceString: {Find: ".KBSearchResult, .KBAnnotation, .KBHighlighting { font-size: 100% !important; -webkit-text-combine: inherit !important; }\n", Replace: ".KBSearchResult,.KBAnnotation,.KBHighlighting{font-size:100%!important;-webkit-text-combine:inherit!important}.KBAnnotatio", MustMatchLength: yes}
@ -594,29 +585,15 @@ KePub stylesheet additions - optimizeSpeed:
- ReplaceString: {Offset: 299, Find: ".KBAnnotation[writingMode=\"vertical-lr\"] { border-left: 2px solid black !important; }", Replace: "ertical-lr\"]{border-left:2px solid #000!important}/*********************************/", MustMatchLength: yes}
# *** Don't change anything in the 4 ReplaceString lines above ***
- FindReplaceString: {Find: "/*********************************/", Replace: "body{text-rendering:optimizeSpeed }", MustMatchLength: yes}
# Customise the -0.05 value if you prefer.
# N.B. Be careful, if it's too big some words may get joined together.
- FindReplaceString: {Find: "/*********************************/", Replace: "body{word-spacing:-0.05em }", MustMatchLength: yes}
# KePub stylesheet additions - optimizeSpeed: retired
# KePub stylesheet additions - optimizeLegibility: retired
# Edit Kobo config (.kobo/Kobo/Kobo eReader.conf) to achieve same result.
# For more detail, see MR post https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4215805&postcount=40
KePub stylesheet additions - optimizeLegibility:
- Enabled: no
- PatchGroup: KePub stylesheet additions alternatives
- Description: |
Enables ligatures/kerning in KePubs, but may cause some additional
rendering problems for fully justified text.
N.B. May have unexpected side effects when highlighting text in languages
which display vertical text, e.g. Chinese/Japanese
- FindBaseAddressString: ".KBSearchResult, .KBAnnotation, .KBHighlighting {"
# *** Don't change anything in the 4 ReplaceString lines below ***
# Create some room to add the extra CSS
- ReplaceString: {Find: ".KBSearchResult, .KBAnnotation, .KBHighlighting { font-size: 100% !important; -webkit-text-combine: inherit !important; }\n", Replace: ".KBSearchResult,.KBAnnotation,.KBHighlighting{font-size:100%!important;-webkit-text-combine:inherit!important}.KBAnnotatio", MustMatchLength: yes}
- ReplaceString: {Offset: 122, Find: ".KBAnnotation[writingMode=\"horizontal-tb\"] { border-bottom: 2px solid black !important; }\n", Replace: "n[writingMode=\"horizontal-tb\"]{border-bottom:2px solid #000!important}.KBAnnotation[writin", MustMatchLength: yes}
- ReplaceString: {Offset: 212, Find: ".KBAnnotation[writingMode=\"vertical-rl\"] { border-right: 2px solid black !important; }\n", Replace: "gMode=\"vertical-rl\"]{border-right:2px solid #000!important}.KBAnnotation[writingMode=\"v", MustMatchLength: yes}
- ReplaceString: {Offset: 299, Find: ".KBAnnotation[writingMode=\"vertical-lr\"] { border-left: 2px solid black !important; }", Replace: "ertical-lr\"]{border-left:2px solid #000}/*******************************************/", MustMatchLength: yes}
# *** Don't change anything in the 4 ReplaceString lines above ***
- FindReplaceString:
Find: "/*******************************************/"
Replace: "body{text-rendering:optimizeLegibility }"
MustMatchLength: yes
# The following patch(es) are ported from jcn363's patches
Shorten dictionary entry not found message:
@ -909,7 +886,7 @@ Hide browser from beta features:
- Description: Hides the built-in browser from beta features.
- ReplaceBytes:
Base: "N3SettingsExtrasView::N3SettingsExtrasView(QWidget*)"
Offset: 1482
Offset: 1372
FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "Device::isParentalControlEnabled() const"}
ReplaceH: 4F F0 01 00
- ReplaceBytes:
@ -1168,8 +1145,8 @@ Remove title from reading header/footer:
# easy-to-update way by replacing the first QString::append (the dash) with a
# QString::resize to zero (I would have done a QString::clear, but that symbol
# isn't imported):
- BaseAddress: {Sym: "ReadingFooter::update(QString const&, QString const&, QString const&, bool)", Rel: 298}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 0, FindH: F9 68, ReplaceH: 00 21} # replace LDR r1, [...] with MOV r1, #0 (the LDR doesn't matter, but may to be updated to match)
- BaseAddress: {Sym: "ReadingFooter::update(QString const&, QString const&, QString const&, bool)", Rel: 190}
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 0, FindH: 49 46, ReplaceH: 00 21} # replace MOV r1, sb with MOV r1, #0 (the MOV doesn't matter, but may to be updated to match, ensuring nothing after depends on it)
- ReplaceBytes: {Offset: 4, FindInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QString::append(QString const&)"}, ReplaceInstBLX: {SymPLT: "QString::resize(int)"}}
# Prevent Kobo from scanning dotfiles/folders (since 4.17.13651): See https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=323083.
@ -1358,7 +1335,7 @@ Customize ComfortLight settings:
# In an unnamed subroutine two layers into FrontLightPopupController::loadView
# (find it by going back from QTime::addSecs), the times for the dropdown are
# generated into a QVector<QPair<QString, QTime>> with a simple loop.
- BaseAddress: 0xCCEFAC # find the base of the unnamed subroutine with the x-ref to _ZN5QTimeC1Eiiii
- BaseAddress: 0xCD7164 # find the base of the unnamed subroutine with the x-ref to _ZN5QTimeC1Eiiii
# Change the initial hour / first bedtime dropdown item passed to the QTime
# constructor (mov r1, #21):
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ Remove forgot pin button from lock screen:
Removes the Forgot PIN -> Sign Out button from the lock screen.
If this is enabled and you forget your pin, you will need to
hard reset your Kobo.
- BaseAddress: 0x1777B1F # qss/PinCodeInputDialog.qss
- BaseAddress: 0x17FEB42 # qss/PinCodeInputDialog.qss
- ReplaceZlib:
Find: "#lblForgotPin[qApp_deviceIsDragon=true],\n#lblSignOut[qApp_deviceIsDragon=true] {\n font-size: 26px;\n}"
Replace: "#lblForgotPin,#lblSignOut{qproperty-visible:false;}"
@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ Remove forgot pin button from lock screen:
Increase size of kepub chapter progress chart:
- Enabled: no
- Description: Originally by oren64, rewritten for 4.16.13337 by pgaskin (geek1011).
- BaseAddress: 0x176E839 # qss/ReadingMenuStatsView.qss
- BaseAddress: 0x1808F79 # qss/ReadingMenuStatsView.qss
- ReplaceZlibGroup:
# Top padding is already set to 15px, 25px, 33px, vertical aligned to middle.
Reference in New Issue