
63 lines
2.4 KiB

## Works with kobopatch v0.14.0 and later.
## You can update kobopatch by downloading the latest release from https://github.com/geek1011/kobopatch/releases.
version: 4.22.15190
in: src/kobo-update-4.22.15190.zip
out: out/KoboRoot.tgz
log: out/log.txt
patchFormat: kobopatch
src/nickel.yaml: usr/local/Kobo/nickel
src/libadobe.so.yaml: usr/local/Kobo/libadobe.so
src/libnickel.so.1.0.0.yaml: usr/local/Kobo/libnickel.so.1.0.0
src/librmsdk.so.1.0.0.yaml: usr/local/Kobo/librmsdk.so.1.0.0
## You can put lines in the following section to override the enabled state of patches.
## The indentation matters! Each override should be indented by 4 spaces. Add to the
## section below. This section can be copy and pasted into newer patch versions to
## keep your selections.
## Example of how it should look:
## overrides:
## src/nickel.yaml:
## Custom synopsis/details line spacing: yes
## Whatever the yaml is called: no
## src/libadobe.so.yaml:
## You get the idea: yes
Show all games: yes
Dictionary pop-up - increase available text area: yes
Always show confirmation dialog before upgrading: yes
Allow showing info panel on random screensaver: yes
Allow searches on Extra dictionaries: yes
Don't uppercase header/footer text: yes
Enable advanced settings for all fonts: yes
Shorten dictionary entry not found message: yes
Swap reading header/footer: yes
FeatureSettings - ExportHighlights: yes
FeatureSettings - BookSpecificStats: yes
# Optional, use only if lrelease is not in PATH and if translations are needed
# lrelease: /path/to/lrelease
# Uncomment the following to add translations (replace lc with the language code)
# translations:
# src/whatever.ts: usr/local/Kobo/translations/trans_lc.qm
# Uncomment the following to add additional files to the tgz (like init scripts or hyphen dicts)
# The files will be root-owned, and world readable, writable, and executable (0777)
# files:
# src/whatever.txt: usr/local/Kobo/whatever.txt
# src/whateverToPutInMultiplePlaces.txt:
# - usr/local/Kobo/location1.txt
# - usr/local/Kobo/location2.txt
adds/hosts.txt: etc/hosts