# kawaiistu.moe ***last updated 2018.07.12*** ***This instance no longer exists. It has been replaced with (and redirects to) [karolat.press](../karolat_press/karolat_press.md).*** This instance's admin (@karolat) has a history of boosting and posting content with neo-Nazi and alt-right content and dogwhistles. ### example 1 ![](1582823.png) (https://kawaiistu.moe/notice/1582823) (anime girls wearing Nazi military uniforms) ### example 2 ![](1640831.png) (https://kawaiistu.moe/notice/1640831) This boosted post contains 'jewgled' - a portmanteau of 'jew' and 'google' - an antisemitic insinuation that jews control the major social media and technology platforms.