# wagesofsinisdeath.com ***Last updated 2019.01.06*** It's an instance mostly occupied by one user called @ReadTheBible, who generally repetitively posts weird and often hateful Westboro Baptist Church posters and signage. ![](126619.png) (https://wagesofsinisdeath.com/notice/126619) I seems likely that this is in the channer-style of pathetic psuedo-irony, because they just seem to interact with people from other instances that are on this list (including people throwing around anti-semitic and racist bullshit in the threads they respond to), it doesn't really matter either way, because it's shitty either way. ![](126969_1.png) ![](126969_2.png) ![](126969_3.png) (https://wagesofsinisdeath.com/notice/126969)