Add Support for Nanobox (#1709)
* Nanobox Support
- Added support for running Mastodon using Nanobox, both for local development, and for deployment to production
- Dev mode tested and is working properly
- Deployment is undergoing test as of this writing. If it works, this line will be amended to state success; if not, one or more subsequent commits will provide fixes.
* [nanobox] Resolve Deploy Issues
Everything seems to work except routing to the streaming API. Will investigate with the Nanobox staff and make fix commits if needed.
Changes made:
- Also need `NODE_ENV` in production
- Node runs on `:4000`
- Use `envsubst` to commit `.env.production` values, since `dotEnv` packages don't always support referencing other variables
- Can't precompile assets after `transform` hook, but do this locally so it only has to be done once.
- Rails won't create `production.log` on its own, so we do this ourselves.
- Some `start` commands run from `/data/` for some reason, so use absolute paths in command arguments
* [nanobox] Update Ruby version
* [nanobox] Fix db.rake Ruby code style issues
* [nanobox] Minor Fixes
Some minor adjustments to improve functionality:
- Fixed routing to `` instances
- Adjust `.env.nanobox` to properly generate a default `SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS` via `envsubst`
- Update Nginx configs to properly support the needed HTTP version and headers for proper functionality (the streaming API doesn't work without some of these settings in place)
* [nanobox] Move usage info to docs repo
* [nanobox] Updates for 1.2.x
- Need to leave out `pkg-config` since Nanobox deploys without Ruby's headers - create a gem group to exclude the gem during Nanobox installs, but allow it to remain part of the default set otherwise
- Update cron jobs to cover new/updated Rake tasks
- Update `.env.nanobox` to include latest defaults and additions
* [nanobox] Fix for nokogumbo, added in 1.3.x
Apparently, nokogumbo (pulled in by sanitize, added with `OEmbed Support for PreviewCard` (#2337) - 88725d6) tries to install before nokogiri, despite needing nokogiri available to build properly. Instruct it to use the same settings as nokogiri does when building nokogiri directly, instead of via bundler.
* [nanobox] Set NODE_ENV during asset compile
The switch to WebPack will rely on the local value of the NODE_ENV evar, so set it to production during asset compilation.
* [nanobox] Rebase on master; update Nginx configs
- `pkg-config` Gem no longer causes issues in Nanobox, so revert the Gemfile change which allowed excluding it
- Update Nginx configuration files with latest recommendations from production documentation
- Rebase on master to Get This Merged™
Everything should be golden!
2017-05-23 09:54:44 -05:00
# Service dependencies
# You may set REDIS_URL instead for more advanced options
# You may set DATABASE_URL instead for more advanced options
[nanobox] Adjustments for Nanobox development (#3295)
Because Nanobox doesn't run data components in the same container as the code, there are a few tweaks that need to be made in the configuration to get WebPack to work properly in development mode.
The same differences lead to needing to use `DATABASE_URL` by default in the `.env` file for Rails to work correctly.
Limitations of our `.env` loader for Node.js mean the `.env` file needs to be compiled everywhere in order to work, so we compile it in development, now, too. Also, all the `.env.production` tweaks have been consolidated into a single command.
Finally, since Nanobox actually creates the database when it sets up the database server, using the existence of the database alone to determine whether to migrate or setup is insufficient. So we add a condition to `rake db:migrate:setup` to check whether any migrations have run - if the database doesn't exist yet, `db:setup` will be called; if it does, but no migrations have been run, `db:migrate` and `db:seed` are called instead (the same basic idea as what `db:setup` does, but it skips `db:create`, which will only cause problems with an existing DB); otherwise, only `db:migrate` is called.
None of these changes should affect development, and all are designed not to interfere with existing behaviors in other environments.
2017-05-29 10:59:18 -05:00
Add Support for Nanobox (#1709)
* Nanobox Support
- Added support for running Mastodon using Nanobox, both for local development, and for deployment to production
- Dev mode tested and is working properly
- Deployment is undergoing test as of this writing. If it works, this line will be amended to state success; if not, one or more subsequent commits will provide fixes.
* [nanobox] Resolve Deploy Issues
Everything seems to work except routing to the streaming API. Will investigate with the Nanobox staff and make fix commits if needed.
Changes made:
- Also need `NODE_ENV` in production
- Node runs on `:4000`
- Use `envsubst` to commit `.env.production` values, since `dotEnv` packages don't always support referencing other variables
- Can't precompile assets after `transform` hook, but do this locally so it only has to be done once.
- Rails won't create `production.log` on its own, so we do this ourselves.
- Some `start` commands run from `/data/` for some reason, so use absolute paths in command arguments
* [nanobox] Update Ruby version
* [nanobox] Fix db.rake Ruby code style issues
* [nanobox] Minor Fixes
Some minor adjustments to improve functionality:
- Fixed routing to `` instances
- Adjust `.env.nanobox` to properly generate a default `SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS` via `envsubst`
- Update Nginx configs to properly support the needed HTTP version and headers for proper functionality (the streaming API doesn't work without some of these settings in place)
* [nanobox] Move usage info to docs repo
* [nanobox] Updates for 1.2.x
- Need to leave out `pkg-config` since Nanobox deploys without Ruby's headers - create a gem group to exclude the gem during Nanobox installs, but allow it to remain part of the default set otherwise
- Update cron jobs to cover new/updated Rake tasks
- Update `.env.nanobox` to include latest defaults and additions
* [nanobox] Fix for nokogumbo, added in 1.3.x
Apparently, nokogumbo (pulled in by sanitize, added with `OEmbed Support for PreviewCard` (#2337) - 88725d6) tries to install before nokogiri, despite needing nokogiri available to build properly. Instruct it to use the same settings as nokogiri does when building nokogiri directly, instead of via bundler.
* [nanobox] Set NODE_ENV during asset compile
The switch to WebPack will rely on the local value of the NODE_ENV evar, so set it to production during asset compilation.
* [nanobox] Rebase on master; update Nginx configs
- `pkg-config` Gem no longer causes issues in Nanobox, so revert the Gemfile change which allowed excluding it
- Update Nginx configuration files with latest recommendations from production documentation
- Rebase on master to Get This Merged™
Everything should be golden!
2017-05-23 09:54:44 -05:00
# Federation
# Note: Changing LOCAL_DOMAIN or LOCAL_HTTPS at a later time will cause unwanted side effects.
# LOCAL_DOMAIN should *NOT* contain the protocol part of the domain e.g
# Use this only if you need to run mastodon on a different domain than the one used for federation.
# You can read more about this option on
# Use this if you want to have several aliases
# etc. for the same user. LOCAL_DOMAIN should not
# be added. Comma separated values
# Application secrets
# Generate each with the `rake secret` task (`nanobox run bundle exec rake secret`)
# Registrations
# Single user mode will disable registrations and redirect frontpage to the first profile
# Prevent registrations with following e-mail domains
# Only allow registrations with the following e-mail domains
# Optionally change default language
# E-mail configuration
# Note: Mailgun and SparkPost ( each have good free tiers
# If you want to use an SMTP server without authentication (e.g local Postfix relay)
# then set SMTP_AUTH_METHOD and SMTP_OPENSSL_VERIFY_MODE to 'none' and
# *comment* SMTP_LOGIN and SMTP_PASSWORD (leaving them blank is not enough).
#SMTP_DELIVERY_METHOD=smtp # delivery method can also be sendmail
# Optional user upload path and URL (images, avatars). Default is :rails_root/public/system. If you set this variable, you are responsible for making your HTTP server (eg. nginx) serve these files.
# PAPERCLIP_ROOT_PATH=/var/lib/mastodon/public-system
# Optional asset host for multi-server setups
# S3 (optional)
# S3_ENABLED=true
# S3_PROTOCOL=http
# S3 (Minio Config (optional) Please check Minio instance for details)
# S3_ENABLED=true
# S3_PROTOCOL=https
# Optional alias for S3 if you want to use Cloudfront or Cloudflare in front
# Streaming API integration
# Advanced settings
# If you need to use pgBouncer, you need to disable prepared statements:
# Cluster number setting for streaming API server.
# If you comment out following line, cluster number will be `numOfCpuCores - 1`.
# Docker mastodon user
# If you use Docker, you may want to assign UID/GID manually.
# UID=1000
# GID=1000