# frozen_string_literal: true class NotifyService < BaseService def call(recipient, type, activity) @recipient = recipient @activity = activity @notification = Notification.new(account: @recipient, type: type, activity: @activity) return if recipient.user.nil? || blocked? create_notification! push_notification! push_to_conversation! if direct_message? send_email! if email_enabled? rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid nil end private def blocked_mention? FeedManager.instance.filter?(:mentions, @notification.mention.status, @recipient) end def blocked_status? false end def blocked_favourite? false end def blocked_follow? false end def blocked_reblog? false end def blocked_follow_request? false end def blocked_poll? false end def following_sender? return @following_sender if defined?(@following_sender) @following_sender = @recipient.following?(@notification.from_account) || @recipient.requested?(@notification.from_account) end def optional_non_follower? @recipient.user.settings.interactions['must_be_follower'] && !@notification.from_account.following?(@recipient) end def optional_non_following? @recipient.user.settings.interactions['must_be_following'] && !following_sender? end def message? @notification.type == :mention end def direct_message? message? && @notification.target_status.direct_visibility? end # Returns true if the sender has been mentionned by the recipient up the thread def response_to_recipient? return false if @notification.target_status.in_reply_to_id.nil? # Using an SQL CTE to avoid unneeded back-and-forth with SQL server in case of long threads !Status.count_by_sql([<<-SQL.squish, id: @notification.target_status.in_reply_to_id, recipient_id: @recipient.id, sender_id: @notification.from_account.id]).zero? WITH RECURSIVE ancestors(id, in_reply_to_id, replying_to_sender) AS ( SELECT s.id, s.in_reply_to_id, (CASE WHEN s.account_id = :recipient_id THEN EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM mentions m WHERE m.silent = FALSE AND m.account_id = :sender_id AND m.status_id = s.id ) ELSE FALSE END) FROM statuses s WHERE s.id = :id UNION ALL SELECT s.id, s.in_reply_to_id, (CASE WHEN s.account_id = :recipient_id THEN EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM mentions m WHERE m.silent = FALSE AND m.account_id = :sender_id AND m.status_id = s.id ) ELSE FALSE END) FROM ancestors st JOIN statuses s ON s.id = st.in_reply_to_id WHERE st.replying_to_sender IS FALSE ) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ancestors st JOIN statuses s ON s.id = st.id WHERE st.replying_to_sender IS TRUE AND s.visibility = 3 SQL end def from_staff? @notification.from_account.local? && @notification.from_account.user.present? && @notification.from_account.user.staff? end def optional_non_following_and_direct? direct_message? && @recipient.user.settings.interactions['must_be_following_dm'] && !following_sender? && !response_to_recipient? end def hellbanned? @notification.from_account.silenced? && !following_sender? end def from_self? @recipient.id == @notification.from_account.id end def domain_blocking? @recipient.domain_blocking?(@notification.from_account.domain) && !following_sender? end def blocked? blocked = @recipient.suspended? # Skip if the recipient account is suspended anyway blocked ||= from_self? && @notification.type != :poll # Skip for interactions with self return blocked if message? && from_staff? blocked ||= domain_blocking? # Skip for domain blocked accounts blocked ||= @recipient.blocking?(@notification.from_account) # Skip for blocked accounts blocked ||= @recipient.muting_notifications?(@notification.from_account) blocked ||= hellbanned? # Hellban blocked ||= optional_non_follower? # Options blocked ||= optional_non_following? # Options blocked ||= optional_non_following_and_direct? # Options blocked ||= conversation_muted? blocked ||= send("blocked_#{@notification.type}?") # Type-dependent filters blocked end def conversation_muted? if @notification.target_status @recipient.muting_conversation?(@notification.target_status.conversation) else false end end def create_notification! @notification.save! end def push_notification! return if @notification.activity.nil? Redis.current.publish("timeline:#{@recipient.id}:notifications", Oj.dump(event: :notification, payload: InlineRenderer.render(@notification, @recipient, :notification))) send_push_notifications! end def push_to_conversation! return if @notification.activity.nil? AccountConversation.add_status(@recipient, @notification.target_status) end def send_push_notifications! subscriptions_ids = ::Web::PushSubscription.where(user_id: @recipient.user.id) .select { |subscription| subscription.pushable?(@notification) } .map(&:id) ::Web::PushNotificationWorker.push_bulk(subscriptions_ids) do |subscription_id| [subscription_id, @notification.id] end end def send_email! return if @notification.activity.nil? NotificationMailer.public_send(@notification.type, @recipient, @notification).deliver_later(wait: 2.minutes) end def email_enabled? @recipient.user.settings.notification_emails[@notification.type.to_s] end end