# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' require 'pundit/rspec' RSpec.describe AccountModerationNotePolicy do let(:subject) { described_class } let(:admin) { Fabricate(:user, role: UserRole.find_by(name: 'Admin')).account } let(:john) { Fabricate(:account) } permissions :create? do context 'when staff' do it 'grants to create' do expect(subject).to permit(admin, described_class) end end context 'when not staff' do it 'denies to create' do expect(subject).to_not permit(john, described_class) end end end permissions :destroy? do let(:account_moderation_note) do Fabricate(:account_moderation_note, account: john, target_account: Fabricate(:account)) end context 'when admin' do it 'grants to destroy' do expect(subject).to permit(admin, account_moderation_note) end end context 'when owner' do it 'grants to destroy' do expect(subject).to permit(john, account_moderation_note) end end context 'when neither admin nor owner' do let(:kevin) { Fabricate(:account) } it 'denies to destroy' do expect(subject).to_not permit(kevin, account_moderation_note) end end end end