import { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl'; import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; import { Icon } from 'flavours/glitch/components/icon'; import { WithRouterPropTypes } from 'flavours/glitch/utils/react_router'; class ColumnBackButtonSlim extends PureComponent { static propTypes = { ...WithRouterPropTypes, }; handleClick = () => { const { location, history } = this.props; // Check if there is a previous page in the app to go back to per // When upgrading to V6, check `location.key !== 'default'` instead per if (location.key) { history.goBack(); } else { history.push('/'); } }; render () { return (
); } } export default withRouter(ColumnBackButtonSlim);