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Last updated: 2018.08.21

(yes, that's the instance name, idk what's with these people)

This is a French instance that I was tipped off on. Here are some posts and translations of those posts. My fluent french-speaking sources tell me there's a lot more where this came from, and given what the admin says, it's not hard to imagine.


Feminists are paired with condoms (???? i don't even), LGBT is placed next to 'basic biology' (ie. the bizarre false, right-wing idea that somehow the existence of LGBT defies basic human biology).


From an instance admin: "we're not alt-right, we're just sick of SJWs and LGBTs"

And if you look at the pleroma instance they just set up, it won't take long for you to find that the admin is quite open with the idea of spouting racial slurs.